You might also want to grant the members permission to publish data to the stream. Read more about this here.
const StreamrClient = require('streamr-client')
// get your clients wallet
const WALLET_PROVIDER = // walletProviderOfYourChoice;
const streamr = new StreamrClient({
// Publish messages to a stream (Add your Streamr id which can be found in Streamr Core)
streamr.publish('0xd4081fcd7b3d4006515f9daf7c7b6cc13935df13/demo-stream', {
hello: 'world',
Make sure this is just a script and not your actual application. You don't want the Data Union client to be configured with the admins private keyin yourclient application.
const PRIVATE_KEY_ADMIN = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;
// Paste the contract address of your newly created data union
const DU_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0x0D483E10612F327FC11965Fc82E90dC19b141641"
const DU = new DataUnionClient({
auth: {
privateKey: PRIVATE_KEY,
chain: 'polygon',
const dataUnion = await DU.getDataUnion(DU_CONTRACT_ADDRESS);
const tx = await dataUnion.addMembers(['0xabcd', "0x1234"]);
Or let members join themselves via our default join server by providing a shared secret:
Your script:
const PRIVATE_KEY_ADMIN = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;
// Paste the contract address of your newly created data union
const DU_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0x0D483E10612F327FC11965Fc82E90dC19b141641"
const DU = new DataUnionClient({
auth: {
chain: 'polygon',
const dataUnion = await DU.getDataUnion(
// returns an object with:
// your secret, secret_name, data union contract address and the chain
const sharedSecret = dataUnion.createSecret($custum_secret_name);
In your client app
// get your clients wallet
const WALLET_PROVIDER = // walletProviderOfYourChoice;
// Paste the contract address of your newly created data union
const DU_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0x0D483E10612F327FC11965Fc82E90dC19b141641";
const SHARED_SECRET = process.env.SHARED_SECRET;
const DU = new DataUnionClient({
chain: 'polygon',
const dataUnion = await DU.getDataUnion(
const joinResponse = dataUnion.join(SHARED_SECRET);
Withdraw Earnings
When the contract receives revenue in DATA token you need to refresh the contract manually with the contract function refreshRevenue(). The Streamr marketplace will do this automatically for you.
After this transaction your users will be able to see and withdraw their earnings. With every withdraw transaction the revenue will get refreshed automatically. Read more here.
In your client app
// get your clients wallet
const WALLET_PROVIDER = // walletProviderOfYourChoice;
// Paste the contract address of your newly created data union
const DU_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0x0D483E10612F327FC11965Fc82E90dC19b141641";
const DU = new DataUnionClient({
auth: {
chain: 'polygon',
const earnings = await dataUnion.getWithdrawableEarnings(
const tx = await dataUnion.withdrawAll()